Tips For Setting Effective Dental Care Goals

Posted on: 27 February 2017


A lot of people have a difficult time taking care of their teeth. After all, nearly all adults in the world have some dental cavities, and gum disease affects more than 15 percent of middle-aged people. The sad thing is, most cavities and cases of gum disease are preventable. One problem is that people are often afraid to talk about how difficult it can feel to fit in dental care into an already packed day.

With work responsibilities, chores at home, childcare duties, relationship concerns, exercise, and other things that need to fit into the day, something has to give. For many people, that is often dental care. A way to combat the urge to neglect your teeth is to make very clear oral health goals. Here are some tips for setting effective goals you can keep.

Tip #1: Break Larger Goals into Small, Daily Actions

The first part of setting your dental care goals will be to establish what your long-term wishes are. That will probably include having healthy teeth and gums. You can't get to that point without first breaking up the goal into small, daily actions you can complete each day that will eventually lead to the completion of the goal. For example, if you want to be cavity-free going forward, you need to brush your teeth, floss, and swish with mouthwash at least twice per day.

Tip #2: Be as Specific as Possible

When you are setting your dental goals, be extremely specific. For example, you don't want to just set a goal to brush your teeth every day. That is vague and doesn't cover how you should brush your teeth in the most effective way. You need to set a goal of brushing at least twice per day, and you should brush for at least two full minutes every time you brush your teeth.

Tip #3: Choose Rewards for the Completion of Each Goal

Although you may think that the completion of a goal is a reward itself, you should commit to giving yourself actual rewards for every goal that you complete. The reward can even be dental-related, such as getting yourself a teeth-whitening kit that you want or investing in an expensive electric toothbrush. It can also be something that has nothing to do with your oral health as long as it motivates you to take excellent care of your teeth.

Finally, keep in mind that having dental care goals is an important part of establishing a healthy oral care routine that you should follow for life. When you take excellent care of your teeth, you are empowered to prevent many common dental problems. Be sure to see your dentist regularly and ask any questions you have. Take control of your oral health by making good choices every day.