How To Manage The Pain Of Tooth Grinding
Grinding teeth is a serious problem for many people. In addition to this condition having the potential to wear down your teeth over time, it can also leave you with headaches, toothaches, and jaw pain. If you're going through these troubles and know that it's due to grinding your teeth, here are some ways to get onto the road to recovery and managing your pain. Numbing Solution There are two main ways to reduce the pain you're experiencing from grinding your teeth: orally taken pain relievers, and orally applied pain relievers.
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Can A Tooth Naturally Decay Until It's Gone?
You have a bad tooth in your mouth and you know there is no saving it with the help of a dentist. Whether you are trying to save money by avoiding an extraction or you are one of the estimated five to eight percent of people who avoid the dentist out of fear, you may be tempted to let nature take its course. However, a tooth will rarely decay and naturally fall out on its own without causing at least a few problems.
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When Is Pain From A New Tooth Abnormal?
Children typically experience some discomfort that can last for days when a new tooth is growing in. Most parents know to expect it, but in some cases your child can experience abnormal levels of pain because something is going wrong with the tooth pushing through their gums. Here are some signs that your child is in too much pain and some potential reasons why: Unwillingness to Eat If you know that your child has a tooth coming in and they've stopped being willing to eat as much, the tooth is likely to blame.
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Crooked Teeth? Clear Dental Aligners May Be Right For You
Everyone wants to have a bright, beautiful smile, with straight, pearly white teeth. Unfortunately, nature doesn't usually deliver that. When it comes to crooked teeth, genetics does play a role, but environmental factors, such as using a pacifier, can also contribute to teeth that aren't straight. Thankfully, modern dentistry and continuing advances in technology can straighten a crooked smile, and it doesn't always require months and months of walking around with "
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How To Make Sure Your Dental Implant Heals Correctly
Putting in an implant is a surgical procedure that may involve cutting of tissue, removal of bone, etc. Once all the work is done, the site where the work was done will need time to heal. Healing of implants isn't guaranteed, unfortunately. In other cases, the implant may heal, but it may not do so correctly. This can cause swelling and discomfort, especially near the site of the implant. Although there are factors that can't be controlled, e.
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How A Missing Tooth Affects Your Jawbone
A lot of people realize that having a missing tooth can be embarrassing, but they do not realize that the gap a missing tooth creates can actually negatively affect their jawbone. The jawbone relies on teeth, and it is affected when a tooth a missing. This is one of the reasons dentists suggest replacing teeth if they fall out or have to be extracted. Here are several things to understand about the effects a gap can have on your jawbone.
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4 Benefits Of Porcelain Dental Crowns
If you don't have the perfect smile you want, you're in luck. There are many cosmetic dental services that can give you the beautiful smile you've always wanted. Porcelain dental crowns are one cosmetic choice that is becoming more popular for their many benefits. If you are considering getting porcelain dental crowns, check out these four benefits. 1. They Can Be Placed on All Your Teeth You may have heard of porcelain veneers, which are extremely popular for their ability to give you an instantly beautiful smile.
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What You Need To Know To Keep A Great Looking Smile
When you want a better-looking smile, there are a lot of tricks you can do to make your teeth look better temporarily and to make them look better permanently. Some of these tricks you will be able to do at home, while others you will need to turn to your dentist for help with. This article will introduce you to some things that can be done to improve your smile or to help you keep it looking great.
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What To Do If Your Child's Adult Teeth Start To Appear Before The Baby Teeth Come Out
Your child may have recently noticed extra teeth growing in behind his or her baby teeth. After telling you about this, it's something you may think of as a strange phenomenon, but it happens more often than a lot of parents realize. When adult teeth start pushing through the gums before baby teeth have fallen out, the problem is often referred to as over-retained teeth. It might not seem like that big of a deal, but you'll need to bring your child into the dental office to meet with a children's dental care specialist.
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When Is A Dental Bridge A Better Option Than An Implant?
Today, many dentists push dental implants over dental bridges, and there are many situations when dental implants are the better option. There are also situations when a person would benefit more by choosing a dental bridge rather than an implant. Here are several situations in which a person might be better off choosing dental bridges instead of implants. When they want to save money One of the reasons people choose bridges over implants is to save money.
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