Reasons That Your Dentist May Discourage The Use Of Mouthwash
Posted on:
10 January 2019
When you look at a bottle of mouthwash, you'll often see a slogan such as "Dentist Recommended." It's certainly true that many dental professionals advocate the use of mouthwash as a measure to control bacteria, but you might be surprised when you ask your dentist about whether or not you should use mouthwash. There are some dentists who will note that mouthwash is desirable for improving your breath, but stop short of suggesting that you should use it regularly.
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3 Useful Tips To Remember When Considering Dental Implants
Posted on:
14 December 2018
For missing teeth, you can have dental implants put in to take their place. These prosthetics are strong and actually have an authentic look. If you're considering them as a restorative option, you'll want to be aware of these helpful tips.
Find Out If You're a Good Candidate
Just because teeth are missing in your mouth, doesn't mean you're automatically qualified to receive dental implants. For a smooth and effective procedure, you actually need to meet certain criteria first.
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How To Manage The Pain Of Tooth Grinding
Posted on:
7 November 2018
Grinding teeth is a serious problem for many people. In addition to this condition having the potential to wear down your teeth over time, it can also leave you with headaches, toothaches, and jaw pain. If you're going through these troubles and know that it's due to grinding your teeth, here are some ways to get onto the road to recovery and managing your pain.
Numbing Solution
There are two main ways to reduce the pain you're experiencing from grinding your teeth: orally taken pain relievers, and orally applied pain relievers.
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Can A Tooth Naturally Decay Until It's Gone?
Posted on:
1 October 2018
You have a bad tooth in your mouth and you know there is no saving it with the help of a dentist. Whether you are trying to save money by avoiding an extraction or you are one of the estimated five to eight percent of people who avoid the dentist out of fear, you may be tempted to let nature take its course. However, a tooth will rarely decay and naturally fall out on its own without causing at least a few problems.
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