Tips For Getting Candy Shell Coloring Off Your Teeth

Posted on: 16 October 2017

Admit it -- with Halloween coming up, you've had more than your share of treats. Some of these may have included a lot of candy with sugary shells that have stained your teeth. If you've just eaten a bag of goodies only to look at yourself in the mirror and see a blue, green, orange, or other-colored smile, don't worry. You can remove those stains, though it will take time and careful attention.
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Getting Braces for the First Time? 3 Problems You Will Experience

Posted on: 18 September 2017

If you are getting braces for the first time you are likely wondering what it is going to be like having something always on your teeth. Fortunately, over time you will get used to your braces. In the meantime, however, you will notice certain problems, four of which are listed below. This way you can be prepared for your braces. Food Will Get Stuck in Your Braces One of the main problems you will have with braces is getting food stuck in them.
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3 Signs Your Child Is Ready To Brush Without Assistance

Posted on: 24 August 2017

From providing them with a happy, prosperous home and a quality education to ensuring they are healthy and well cared for, raising a child can be overwhelming at times. Because you are most likely so intent on protecting your child, you may be placing too much time and energy into assisting them when it comes to their health and wellness. At first, you should supervise your child while they are learning to brush their teeth.
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3 Reasons To Consider Dental Tourism For Your Dental Needs

Posted on: 26 July 2017

One of the best resources at your disposal when it comes to trying to save money on your dental costs, especially if you don't have dental insurance, is dental tourism. Basically, dental tourism is the act of leaving your local area in order to take advantage of lower dental costs elsewhere in the country or possibly outside of the country entirely. Listed below are three reasons to consider dental tourism for your dental needs:
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