How Does Root Canal Treatment Benefit Your Teeth?

Posted on: 16 August 2021

Root canal treatment sounds painful, but it usually isn't. In fact, root canal treatment is far more beneficial than it is painful. When oral bacteria infect teeth, the infection can quickly spread without dental treatment. And the best way to treat a tooth infection is with root canal treatment. Root canal treatment is beneficial to infected teeth in several different ways: Root canal treatment stops infection from spreading Once infection sets in, without treatment, that infection can quickly worsen.
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Do You Need Dental Implants? 3 Indicators You Are The Right Candidate For Implants

Posted on: 30 June 2021

Dental implants are embedded inside your jawbone to restore your missing teeth. Dental implants provide a relatively permanent solution to teeth loss and have significantly improved the dental care industry. Thanks to implants, many people with lost teeth can now smile and speak confidently in public settings. But who needs this tooth replacement option? The following are three signs you are the right candidate for this treatment.    1. You Have Missing Tooth
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Invisalign: It's About More Than Good Looks

Posted on: 24 May 2021

Invisalign is often touted as the most aesthetically pleasing tooth straightening option. And this does tend to be true. The nearly invisible straightening trays are definitely more attractive and less intrusive than metal or even clear braces. But it would be incomplete to suggest that looks are the only benefit of Invisalign. Here are a few other reasons this straightening option is so often preferred over braces. You can keep your teeth cleaner.
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5 Indicators That You Need Dental Crowns

Posted on: 13 April 2021

Getting a dental crown is among the most popular restorative dental procedures in the United States. As noted in a study by the American College of Prosthodontists, about 2.3 million dental crowns are made annually. Crowns are mainly made of porcelain and take the form of caps that are placed on top of a dental implant to replace a missing tooth. They are also placed on decaying or damaged teeth to strengthen them or improve their overall appearance.
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