3 Negative Effects Of Failing To Wear Your Mouthguard Regularly

Posted on: 9 September 2016


Bruxism is a common affliction that affects thousands of people. The condition, which involves the involuntary grinding of the teeth at night, can be detrimental to your oral health. Nevertheless, a mouthguard can help ensure that the damage from the grinding is minimized. The soft, shock-absorbent material of the guard helps lessen the grinding force that is transferred to the teeth. Thus, it is important to wear a mouthguard nightly if you suffer from bruxism. Here are a few negative effects of failing to don your mouthguard regularly:

Dental Implant Failure

Dental implants must remain firmly in position, or they will fail. The force from an episode of bruxism can cause a dental implant to shift out of position. Once the shift takes place, the implant cannot be salvaged.

Dental implants are installed inside the jawbone. There, they form a bond or connection with the bone. This fusion holds the implant in place and keeps it stable. The connection occurs over time through a healing process called osseointegration. If the connection or fusion between the implant and the bone is broken, the implant will not reconnect to the bone. In order to maintain the restoration of the lost tooth, a new dental implant must be installed.

The Cracking or Chipping of Dental Work

Dental appliances, such as crowns and veneers, can also be damaged from the grinding for bruxism. Crowns and veneers are often made of porcelain, which is a dental ceramic material. Once a crown or veneer is damaged, it may have to be replaced. Additionally, if the damaged dental device is being used to protect a breach in a damaged tooth, bacteria may gain access to the tooth to incite an infection. Although some dental infections may be treated by antibiotics or a root canal, severe infections sometimes require the extraction of the affected tooth.

Direct Damage to Natural Teeth

Natural teeth can also incur damage from bruxism when not protected by a mouthguard. The teeth may become cracked or chipped due to the severe force of the grinding. Additionally, the grinding can cause the gradual wearing away of the tooth enamel. This can make the teeth more susceptible to decay and possible extraction. Extensive cracks that separate a tooth through its roots necessitate the removal of the tooth.

To learn more reasons that you should wear your mouthguard each night if you suffer from bruxism, schedule an appointment with a dentist in your area. You can also visit websites such as http://www.getaperfectsmile.com.