Dealing With TMJ? 3 Things You Need To Know

Posted on: 14 June 2017


If you suffer from chronic headaches and your family doctor can't identify the problem, you might be suffering from Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). If that's the case, you need to visit your family dentist as soon as possible. TMJ is treatable, which means you may be able to get rid of those headaches you've been plagued with. In addition to headaches, TMJ can cause other problems. Here's some information that will help you understand TMJ, and how it may be affecting your life:

What Is TMJ?

If you've got TMJ, it can affect every aspect of your life. Not sure what TMJ is? It's when there's a problem with the joint that connects your top and bottom jaw bones. When the joints in your jaw are working properly, your mouth will open smoothly, and painlessly, every time. However, that's not the case when you have TMJ.

What Are Some Other Common Signs?

One of the things about TMJ is that there are a wide variety of common side effects. You may have all of them, some of them, or only one of them. Each person is different, which is why it's so important that you know what the most common signs are. If you experience any of the following signs on a frequent basis, you should talk to your dentist as soon as possible:

  • Migraine-type headaches
  • Frequent earaches
  • Pain or pressure behind your eyes
  • Clicking or locking when you open or close your mouth

What Are Some Effective Ways to Treat It?

If you have TMJ, you don't have to suffer through the symptoms. In fact, there are ways to alleviate the discomfort. Here are just a few of them:

Moist Heat

If you're experiencing pain associated with TMJ, you can use moist heat to reduce the symptoms. Soak a washcloth in hot water, and wring it out well. Place the cloth on your jaw, and rest for about 15 minutes. Repeat the process until the pain goes away.


If your jaw is tight, or it's locked on you, use fingertip massage to reduce the tightness. Place two fingers on each side of your jaw, and massage in a circular motion. Continue massaging until your jaw relaxes.

Mouth Guards

If you wake up in the morning with a sore jaw, you could be grinding your teeth while you sleep. Talk to your dentist about a custom mouth guard. The guard will prevent you from grinding your teeth and will allow your jaw to relax while you sleep.

Don't let TMJ ruin your life. Talk to your dentist about treatment options that will help alleviate the symptoms, so you can get some relief.